回复 :The series follows a group of six students about to embark on the most exciting period of their lives thus far University! Away from home for the first time, on the brink of adult life, they are about to discover who they really are. From the moment they ship up as freshers at their shared house, their lives are destined to collide, overlap and run the whole gamut of appalling behaviour and terrible errors of judgement.
回复 :大理王子段誉(汤镇业 饰)为人刚正不阿,青年才俊风度翩翩,偶遇了丐帮帮主乔峰(梁家仁 饰),趣味相投的两人相见恨晚,结为了拜把兄弟。乔峰一生侠肝义胆,却偏偏屡遭奸人陷害,甚至一度被逼到了走投无路的境地,身边唯有红颜知己阿朱(黄杏秀 饰)的陪伴和信任。然而好景不长,在一场误会之中,乔峰误杀了挚爱阿朱,心痛欲绝。阿朱的妹妹阿紫(陈复生 饰)一直对乔峰情真意切,两人结伴远赴塞外,编织了一段传奇佳话。单纯善良的虚竹和尚(黄日华 饰)初出师门,却在机缘巧合之下习得了绝世武功,成为了逍遥派掌门。与此同时,段誉邂逅了美丽不可方物的王语嫣(陈玉莲 饰),陷入了一段复杂的恋情之中。
回复 :一晌贪欢,不过是白葡与陆兆和心照不宣的危险游戏,谁知他竟失了控丢了心。。。。