回复 :银行经理雅各布(弗兰克·格里罗饰)的同事被暴徒夺去生命,而他将和警察(布鲁斯·威利斯饰)联手制服凶手。
回复 :这是一个外星人和地球人混居的时代,在外星移民的压迫和统治下,流传百年的武士道精神已然没落,然而,在一片倾颓之势面前,依然有一群人默默的遵守着他们的准则和正义。家道中落的青年志村新八(菅田将晖 饰)在一场意外中结识了万事屋老板坂田银时(小栗旬 饰)和天人少女神乐(桥本环奈 饰),三人成为好友。他们共同的朋友桂小太郎(冈田将生 饰)无故失踪,经过调查,一个名叫冈田似藏(新井浩文 饰)的男人和一把名为“红缨”的妖刀浮出水面。冈田似藏是曾经的攘夷志士高杉晋助(堂本刚 饰)的手下,高杉恨透了这个堕落的世界,一直都企图将它破坏殆尽。随着红缨的力量越来越强大,整个大江户被笼罩在越来越浓重的阴云之下。
回复 :Filmmaker and gay activist Sridhar Rangayan embarks on a personal journey to expose the human rights violations faced by the LGBTQ community in India due to a draconian law Section 377 and homophobic social mores of a patriarchal society. The gritty documentary BREAKING FREE features searing testimonies of gay and transgender persons who have been victimized or exploited, as well as wide-ranging interviews with advocates and activists. See-sawing between despair and joy, anguish and hope, the film offers an insider view of the Indian LGBTQ community and is a documentation of its movement from invisibility to empowerment.