回复 :一名女子(多洛雷斯·方奇饰)试图帮助一个阿根廷足球俱乐部摆脱与其相关联的有组织犯罪。本片由马丁·齐默曼(《黑钱胜地》《毒枭》)打造。
回复 :数百万年前,不可思议的神奇力量将地壳撕扯得支离破碎,由此创造出七个蔚为壮观的大陆。时光荏苒,每个大陆都孕育了别具特色的野生动物。从郁郁葱葱的南美洲丛林深处到冰雪覆盖的亚洲山峦之巅,从欧洲熙熙攘攘的都市到非洲的广袤平原,《七个世界 一个星球》将开启一次七大洲之旅,呈现匪夷所思的动物行为,讲述鲜为人知的动物故事。我们将探索在这七个世界,丰富多样的生命如何在地球上生长繁衍,同时揭示在人类主导的世界,动物们所面临的不同挑战。
回复 :In the second season of El Cid, after the death of King Fernando, his sons Sancho, Alfonso and García became the kings of Castilla, León and Galicia, respectively. Urraca, lady of Zamora, will handle the threads of power and we will discover her darker side. The disputes between them will transform the Iberian Peninsula into a field of bloody battles. Ruy is knighted, but in the process he will have to sacrifice what he loves most to become a true hero.