回复 :聚焦泰格伍兹的“崛起,坠落,回归”。记录伍兹从学会走路时就开始打高尔夫、成名后获得的巨大的关注及被期待成为“各种族桥梁”的压力、轰动一时的性丑闻和涉嫌醉驾被捕等麻烦,和“戒断、恢复健康”后的回归。
回复 :该剧是一部讲述犯罪小说家妻子和离婚律师丈夫之间的故事的喜剧悬疑惊悚片,讲述了怀着负罪感做坏事的大人的故事。
回复 :Bulletproof follows two meijubar.net cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; they share a deep, fraternal relationship - and are always there for each other. However, they come from very different backgrounds and their personal motivations and emotional lives outside the police force differ as a result: Pike is an aspirational family man, the son of a decorated police officer who's determined to follow in his father's footsteps, but not be in his shadow. Bishop grew up in care homes and on the streets, and never knew his father. Despite these differences Bishop and Pike are bonded by the same moral code and work brilliantly well together even when the chemistry between them looks set to explode.