暴躁A man is waiting in his hut in the desolate expanse of the Russian Arctic. He is holding out in order to observe a natural event that occurs here, every year. But ocean warming is taking its toll.
暴躁A man is waiting in his hut in the desolate expanse of the Russian Arctic. He is holding out in order to observe a natural event that occurs here, every year. But ocean warming is taking its toll.
回复 :镇报社记者苏姬(Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)、雕塑家艾丽克丝(雪儿 Cher 饰)、大提琴手珍(Susan Sarandon 饰)是三个居住在东维克小镇的好朋友,她们有一个共同点就是婚姻皆不幸福。三人经常在周四晚上举行聚会,谈人生,谈男性。某个大雨之夜,一名来自纽约的神秘男子来到小镇,并买下拥有百年历史、传说曾用来处决女巫的蓝氏府邸。男人有着费解而难记的名字——戴尔·梵侯恩(杰克·尼克尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰),他的到来在小镇引起轰动,不祥的气息也开始肆意蔓延。未过多久,这三个好友的芳心便先后被戴尔虏获,各种诡异魔幻的事情也相继发生……本片荣获1998年美国科幻与恐怖电影学院最佳男主角奖(Jack Nicholson)。
回复 :荷兰导演保罗·韦尔霍文首部进军美国影坛的中世纪传奇动作片,风格强烈而狂妄。男主角拉特格.豪厄主演霍文的《橘子战士》而成名,两人再度合作时已身价大涨。故事描述十六世纪时欧洲发生十字军东征,浪人马丁与一群乌合之众组成十字军四出攻城略地,爵爷曾答允在破城后让手下掠取财物二十小时,但其后食言,更下令军队围捕马丁。在爵爷之子史蒂芬与安妮举行婚礼时,马丁率众前来报仇抢走安妮。史蒂芬为了武士英名必须夺回妻子,但安妮却跟马丁日久生情,三角情欲使战火加速燃烧。美国女星珍妮弗.贾森.利在这部阳刚的暴力片中是红点,表现不俗。导演简要:Paul Verhoeven 生於荷兰的阿姆斯特丹,拥有数学及物理双博士头衔。服役期间,替荷兰皇家海军拍摄纪录片,退伍後在电视台担任导演工作,拍了一部深入的纪录片《穆瑟》。让他受到国外瞩目的是三部由荷兰制作的电影:Soldier of Orange (1979)、Spetters (1980) 及 The Forth Man (1983)。1985年,Verhoeven 利用美国资金执导第一部片Flesh & Blood,差一点被列为X级,两年後,进军好莱坞的Robocop,更让美国观众见识到激烈的暴力美学。十分重视创作自由他,必须确定片子不会在影片完成後受干预,而充满争议色彩的风格及处在剪刀边缘的尺度,使他成为美国电影界十分出色的荷兰藉导演。
回复 :Gary Busey plays Buck, a former Vietnam veteran/ex-con recently released from the state prison. He returns to the small Midwest town where he grew up only to discover the place overrun by a large motorcycle gang bent on causing trouble. When the bikers murder his wife and traumatize his young daughter, Busey, with the help from a fellow Vietnam vet, as well as his former cell-mate, a drug kingpin living in Miami, Buck arms himself to the teeth and wages a war against the motorcyclists to destroy them once and for all.