亚历克斯·帕蒂弗([关键第四号])、硅谷迈克·沃格尔(《穹顶之下》)将主演新片[收集](Collection,硅谷暂译),卡司还包括雅克·考利蒙(《奇异镇》)、布瑞达·伍尔(《梅赛德斯先生》)、夏奇拉·巴雷拉(《南方女王》)。玛莉安娜·帕卡([好家伙])执导,Todd Friedman操刀剧本。故事讲述充斥着高风险债务的破旧世界中,一位悲痛的父亲试图摆脱自己过往的悲剧命运。该片将于下月在阿拉巴马州开拍。
亚历克斯·帕蒂弗([关键第四号])、硅谷迈克·沃格尔(《穹顶之下》)将主演新片[收集](Collection,硅谷暂译),卡司还包括雅克·考利蒙(《奇异镇》)、布瑞达·伍尔(《梅赛德斯先生》)、夏奇拉·巴雷拉(《南方女王》)。玛莉安娜·帕卡([好家伙])执导,Todd Friedman操刀剧本。故事讲述充斥着高风险债务的破旧世界中,一位悲痛的父亲试图摆脱自己过往的悲剧命运。该片将于下月在阿拉巴马州开拍。
回复 :一场意外让平凡的厨师顾胜男(周冬雨 饰)结识了霸道总裁路晋(金城武 饰)。之后,路晋入住了顾胜男所在的酒店,在并不知晓对方真实身份的情况下,顾胜男用一道“女巫汤”征服了路晋挑剔的味蕾,一位厨师和一位食客,两人在美食的联结下产生了奇妙的缘分。路晋的失眠症日益严重,一次偶然中,他发现自己竟然在顾胜男家的沙发上酣然入睡,从此,这张沙发便成为了他的专属床位。随着时间的推移,在一餐一饭之中,顾胜男和路晋之间渐渐产生了懵懂的感情。然而路晋在父亲严苛而又独裁的教育下长大,顾胜男则向来大大咧咧毛手毛脚,个性和身份迥异的他们压抑着内心的感情,由此生出了诸多的误会。
回复 :一支乐队无意间发现帕格尼尼的乐谱,决定要演奏并录制。这时帕格尼尼的灵魂出现,接着悲剧就开始发生了……
回复 :Chapman and Maclain Way’s energetic telling of one of baseball’s great, unheralded stories is as much about independent spirit as it is about the game. When Portland, Oregon, lost its longtime minor-league affiliate, Bing Russell—who briefly played ball professionally before enjoying a successful Hollywood acting career—bought the territory and formed a single-A team to operate outside the confines of major-league baseball. When they took the field in 1973, the Mavericks—the only independent team in America—started with two strikes against them. What did Deputy Clem from Bonanza know about baseball? Or Portland, for that matter? The only thing uniting his players, recruited at open tryouts, was that no other team wanted them. Skeptics agreed that it could never work.But Bing understood a ballplayer’s dreams, and he understood an audience. His quirky, unkempt castoffs won games, and they won fans, shattering minor-league attendance records. Their spirit was contagious, and during their short reign, the Mavericks—a restaurant owner turned manager, left-handed catcher, and blackballed pitcher among them—brought independence back to baseball and embodied what it was all about: the love of the game.- J.N.