出册Fårö Document 1979 is the ten-year followup to the first documentary Bergman made about his adopted home, Fårö, where he filmed many of his best works and lived until the end of his life
出册Fårö Document 1979 is the ten-year followup to the first documentary Bergman made about his adopted home, Fårö, where he filmed many of his best works and lived until the end of his life
回复 :
回复 :《回眸》记录三位末期病人冠玮、瑶华、育姗在离开人世前,如何面对死亡的每一刻。冠玮被告知生命剩下一个月,他苦恼来不及看着就读小学的双胞胎儿子佑佑和廷廷长大;瑶华希望在家安宁,但回到家后,家人之间的不和睦让她感到害怕;育姗长期在海外工作,生病返台治疗被判定为末期病人,因为女儿不在身边,育姗担心临走前见不到女儿最后一面……《回眸》细腻呈现三位末期病人各自对生命抱有不同的执着与情绪,用生命故事向大众展现他们对生的不舍、对死的恐惧与以及过程中灵性照顾给他们的勇气。
回复 :故事的女主人公荷洁的丈夫意外死于交通事故,得到赔偿却失去一切亲人的她因为一块价值不菲的琥珀陷入了对生命价值的困惑。她在接连靠近肇事者家庭的失控后终释怀,以温柔姿态接受宿命归属。