末路《强岛》(Strong Island) 导演:扬斯·福特(Yance Ford) 入围2017年圣丹斯电影节纪录片单元
末路《强岛》(Strong Island) 导演:扬斯·福特(Yance Ford) 入围2017年圣丹斯电影节纪录片单元
回复 :民初功夫片,俞天龙(王羽)是某镇武馆的大弟子,因主持正义教训恶少而与当地恶势力结怨,武馆遭到恶势力请来的一众东洋高手的洗劫,俞天龙幸免于难,但是断了一臂成为残废,他苦练独臂拳法,将各东洋高手一一击毙。王羽在邵氏因《独臂刀》成名,脱离邵氏后继续利用“独臂”的剩余价值,将“刀”改为“拳”,又继续拍摄了三四部和“独臂”有关的电影,《独臂拳王》就是他脱离邵氏后以“独臂”为题材拍摄的一部民初功夫片。影片是王羽在台湾为嘉禾拍摄的,用的演员都是台湾人,其中有曾获得金马最佳男配角的马骥,以及台湾硬派演员田野、薛汉等人,还有本名周新贵的台湾武打明星龙飞以及台湾著名武行山茅、苏真平和谢兴等人,这些人后来又多次与王羽合作。作为一名武打演员,王羽的身手不错,做为导演,王羽在处理武打场面的拍摄也有一定技巧,毕竟他也算是张彻的得意弟子,他比较注意武打场面的气氛渲染和动作设计的新奇,在《独臂拳王》里,他把几段武打戏分别放在武馆、谷仓、茶楼和山谷等不同的地点,除了中国的功夫外也给观众展示了日本空手道、西藏密宗、韩国跆拳道和印度瑜伽等新奇的异域武术种类,同时也承袭了张彻的血腥暴力风格,连场打斗中都非常残忍血腥,既有一对一的单挑,也有数十人的混战,故事一如既往的俗套,但是武打场面精彩,片中有打戏的演员基本上都得到了发挥,尤其是最后和龙飞的山谷决战,更将影片推向了高潮。
回复 :‘This is not science fiction’, says a commercial inviting young people to join the US Air Force. Indeed it is anything but a utopian vision when drones targeting humans in Afghanistan and other countries are operated from a safe distance. National Bird describes the dramatic experiences of three former Air Force analysts who have decided to break their silence about the secret deployment of these combat drones. Haunted by the realisation that they might have been responsible for the death of innocent victims, they are going public with their knowledge – regardless of the possible consequences. These three war veterans all signed up voluntarily for military service – either out of a sense of idealism, hardship or a feeling of duty. But all that changed as a result of the drone programme.National Bird provides insights into the US drone programme as seen through the eyes of veterans and survivors whose stories are connected. At the same time the film asks whether it is possible for a world to exist other than one in which violence breeds violence. berlinale 2016
回复 :在安藤忠臣(山田裕貴)的公司工作的前牛郎須藤司(青木玄徳),以开设女性专用金融业务为契机,顺利招揽到很多女性客户。他的客户有不想放弃梦想的前偶像绘梨奈(冨手麻妙),不惜借高利贷下血本想让自己女儿在演艺圈出道的单亲妈妈聖子(MEGUMI)等人。但是圣子女儿所属事务所的社长(津田寛治),曾经榨取过绘梨奈应得的报酬,知道这件事的須藤司开始计划报复行动……