国产A womb with a view, awkward adulthood, the not-so-golden years. Journeying through life's stages with Jamie Demetriou in a musical sketch-comedy special.
国产A womb with a view, awkward adulthood, the not-so-golden years. Journeying through life's stages with Jamie Demetriou in a musical sketch-comedy special.
回复 :The main character is obsessed with gambling. He earns a lot of money on his little weakness - the murder of elderly, but very rich widows. Yes, even ... He did not just kill them. First, he makes love with them, then kills, and after that or eats them, or digs into the concrete.
回复 :根据现实题材改编的惊悚电影《蓝可儿之旅》已定于3月20日正式上映。该片以蓝可儿事件为背景,并特意到案发的酒店实地取景,纪实意味浓厚。该片由青年女演员李漫荻领衔主演,一切诡异事件皆围绕她而展开。
回复 :大卫.尼文遗作,彼得.塞勒斯已逝,该续集以一个替代品主角去寻找失踪的前主角克鲁索穿针引线,导演致敬了过去的几部粉红豹电影(克鲁索博物馆、大卫尼文和卡普西尼)、倒唱的《月亮河》、《狂欢宴》的酒鬼等。最抢眼的是罗杰.摩尔客串被整容的克鲁索。电脑选人那段后来被港片《最佳拍档》借去。