午夜Released in 1995, Paul Verhoeven's Showgirls was met by critics and audiences with near universal derision. You Don't Nomi traces the film's redemptive journey from notorious flop to cult classic, and maybe even masterpiece.
午夜Released in 1995, Paul Verhoeven's Showgirls was met by critics and audiences with near universal derision. You Don't Nomi traces the film's redemptive journey from notorious flop to cult classic, and maybe even masterpiece.
回复 :故事讲述了一位老练的民主党战略家(卡瑞尔饰)在威斯康星州的一座右翼小镇,帮助一位退休的老将竞选市长。
回复 :大婚之夜初澈妖狼剧毒发作奄奄一息,易落用自己的血为初澈解毒。初澈获救后两人携手远走天涯,行侠仗义。哪料朝廷发来官员想方设法邀请初澈为国效力,而一路惹祸不断的易落又暴露俩人行踪。两人在躲避追踪的过程中竟再次遇见了与初澈同生共死的红颜知己碧霄,未曾想这碧霄竟然是妖狼的化身......
回复 :After some tragedies, a couple moves back to her childhood home. Robert discovers an old portrait of a man who looks like him, he goes down a rabbit hole to discover the identity of this mysterious doppelganger.