回复 :My Kind of Country is a fresh take on a competition series, breaking down barriers in country music by providing an extraordinary opportunity to diverse and innovative artists from around the world. Scouts Allen, Guyton and Peck each hand-pick a roster of exceptional up-and-coming artists and invite them to the home of country music in Nashville, Tennessee, to showcase their unique sound. The competition winner will receive a life-changing prize from Apple Music, receiving unprecedented support and exposure on the platform.
回复 :剧集讲述了失业的音乐人Andy和他那有点神经质的侄子Errol之间的故事。看上去不太可能产生友谊的两个人,竟然成为合拍的搭档。随着第三季的回归,Andy和Errol的生活变得有些不一样了,但大大小小的喜剧和悲剧依然在轮番上演。Andy住在姐姐Sam和她的新伴侣Bruce家的地下室,他突然灵感如泉涌,看到了自己作为音乐制作人的新希望。Errol正在快速长大,青春期的荷尔蒙正在爆发,他正在努力有了新父亲Bruce后的生活。随着亲密关系中的改变和大小事件的发生,Andy他们能不能坚持自己选择的道路,还是会像之前一样逃避,或者直接崩溃?
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