回复 :A look at the life of the legendary Rhythm and Blues musician, James Brown, from his early years in South Carolina to his efforts during the Civil Rights movement.
回复 :为弘扬民族正气,精武英雄陈真(甄子丹 饰)当年在上海虹口道场击杀日本武术高手。在此之后他更名改姓,背井离乡,远赴法国务工。一战后陈真化名齐天元,重返阔别已久的祖国,并以实业家的身份结识了上海大亨刘禹天(黄秋生 饰)及性感妖艳的夜总会女郎KIKI(舒淇 饰)。刘张扬跋扈,大发战争财,但尚存中国人的骨气;KIKI表面单纯,实则是日本女间谍,长期潜伏夜总会搜集情报。一战虽然结束,但战争的阴影远远没有散去。陈真加入秘密的抗日组织,并希望争取到刘禹天的支持。与此同时,以皇军大佐力石猛(木幡龙 饰)为首的暗杀军团开始向爱国志士痛下杀手。鱼龙混杂、暗流涌动的上海滩,已是黑云压城,暴雨将至……
回复 :Timeshift charts the evolution of the British postage stamp and examines how these sticky little labels became a national obsession. Like many of us, writer and presenter Andrew Martin collected stamps when he was young, and now he returns to that lost world to unpeel the history of iconic stamps like the Penny Black and the Blue Mauritius, study famous collectors like King George V and the enigmatic Count Phillip de Ferrary, and to meet present-day philatelists at a stamp club.