回复 :悠斗和青山曾是一对恋人,而今却已断了音讯。随着青山不为人知的黑幕一一揭露 ,在地下俱乐部担任店长的悠斗,开始怀疑自己深爱的男人是否值得等待,对男公关流花的感觉也从同病相怜升华成更深的情感。一件神秘的性玩具,串起了悠斗、流花、青山和柴原四人的过往与现在。这时「雨与苏打水」某位男公关接客时一桩意外杀人事件,让地下俱乐部人心惶惶,在这个追求欲仙欲死的感官世界,真相即将大白……。
回复 :A sensational, sentimental, and philosophical horror neo-noir that follows the still-at-large crimes of Noel, a repentant, classy and charming serial killer loose in the suburbs of New York.
回复 :In this sequel to Code 8, Connor (Robbie Amell) is out of prison and working as a janitor at a community center, having cut ties with his former criminal associate Garrett (Stephen Amell). Connor’s attempt at staying out of trouble is destroyed when he’s forced to help 14-year-old Pav (Sirena Gulamgaus) escape from a pack of corrupt officers led by Sergeant King (Alex Mallari Jr.). King uses the newly launched robotic K9’s to track Pav down, while Connor finds himself once again reaching out to Garrett and his crew for help, but can he trust the man who landed him in prison in the first place?