回复 :Set during the Blitz in 1940s London. After writing twelve Poirot novels in six years, Agatha Christie should be a rich woman. Instead she’s struggling to make ends meet. As the money runs out, Agatha concocts a plan to kill off her most famous creation and sell the manuscript to a superfan. When Agatha’s would-be-buyer suffers a heart attack, it seems unfortunate but benign. When her manuscript is stolen, a wider conspiracy begins to take shape. As the bombs fall and she investigates, the danger of her situation becomes apparent; Agatha herself is the killer’s next target.
回复 :他们一直以为这个故事是大人讲来骗小孩子的,直到他们在野外游玩时亲眼见到了黑魔王的出现,并被黑魔王中下不可挽回的魔咒。
回复 :巴克是一只骨骼壮硕身材强壮的狗,本来在大法官家里过着养尊处优的生活的它,被园丁偷走,卖到了严寒的阿拉斯加,成为了雪橇犬。巴克坎坷的命运并没有就此终结,之后,它又辗转经历了好几个主人,他们残暴而又冷酷的对待巴克。不仅如此,巴克在狗群中也为了保住自己的地位而经历了巨大的挑战 。这一次,约翰(哈里森•福特Harrison Ford 饰)成为了巴克的新主人,幸运的是,约翰是一个善良的男人,他不仅非常温柔的对待巴克,还治好了它伤痕累累的身体。随着时间的推移,一人一狗之间产生了坚实的友谊。然而,在一场意外中,约翰被印第安人杀死了,愤怒的巴克失去了理智,它要为自己的主人报仇。