回复 :该剧讲述90年代初期打工潮兴起,主角们从一穷二白,到凭借敏锐商业意识和敢为人先精神巧妙抓住时机,通过不懈努力改写自身命运,在温州这片土地创建商业帝国,成为第一批吃螃蟹的bbb。m.ysgou.cc他们的辉煌,是90年代中国经济腾飞的缩影。
回复 :物业维修员王海洋出于对自身外貌、经济状况等条件的自卑,迟迟不敢告白自己的暗恋对象罗曼文,偶然机会下他接触并使用了“爱情贷”APP的扫一扫功能和女神罗曼文拥有了一段短暂的恋爱时光,但由于额度限制和滥用额度,两人最终都失去了这段美好的回忆,王海洋为此也付出了意想不到代价。
回复 :An affluent medical professor, Komiya, and his bossy wife, Tokio, are to look after Setsuko, their high-spirited niece from Osaka. Setsuko is a liberated woman who does what she wants, including smoking, even though she is a minor. On Saturday, the professor does not feel like going to his weekend golf game, but his wife packs him off anyway. So he leaves his bag at the apartment of his student Okada, and goes to a bar with a friend. Setsuko traces him there, and insists that he take her to a geisha house. When she gets rather tipsy, the professor calls Okada to take her home, while he sleeps at Okada's. The wife becomes suspicious of Setsuko when she sees Okada bringing her home, and also of her husband when she discovers that he did not go golfing.