回复 :江苏卫视大型脑力竞技真人秀《最强大脑》第九季近日官宣选手名单。本季参赛人数大幅压缩至42人,包括往季选手,网络人气选手,“清北中科”高校选手,投身公益事业,守护祖国疆土,挑战竞技速的奉献者,哈佛哥大等海外名校学子,未成年潜力股+外籍强者,职场精英等。本季推出“时间规划局”特别企划,打造节目史无前例的六大重装升级:双轨制、天使轮、点位排名、时间密室、时间剧本、全时之战。
回复 :In a new BBC Two series, some of the fittest men and woman around will face the toughest challenge of their lives when they take part in the recruitment week from hell. Who will be left standing on the ultimate military assault course?Presented by Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff, this six-part series will see successful applicants take on gruelling tests used by some of the world’s harshest army regimes, from the Navy SEALs to the SAS, in a search to find the UK’s toughest recruit.Participants will come under intense pressure. Their physical and mental endurance will be pushed to the limit. Viewers will witness what the mind and body are capable of and how these techniques separate the weak from the strong, and they will learn what it takes to be the ultimate soldier.The ‘Hell Week ‘ has been especially constructed to reflect known selection process used by special forces across the globe including the US Navy SEALs, the Philippine’s NAVSOG (Naval Special Operations Group), the Russian Spetsnaz (Special Purpose Forces) as well as the UK’s SAS. These are physical and mental challenges designed to break the most hardened soldiers.
回复 :《一字千金》是台湾公共电视文化事业基金会(公视) 监制的益智竞赛节目,堪称电视史上结合App、最紧张、最刺激的文字书写比赛,由曾国城担任主持人,分为成人赛和校园赛。节目于2014年12月27日起周六、日下午5时30分在台湾公视播出,2015年2月5日起每周四21:00播出成人赛,每周日17:30播出校园赛。