国产Story about Ji Gong, a Chan Buddhist monk that has a supernatural powers, which he used to help the poor and stand up to injustice. This movie tell one of his adventures.
国产Story about Ji Gong, a Chan Buddhist monk that has a supernatural powers, which he used to help the poor and stand up to injustice. This movie tell one of his adventures.
回复 :艾米丽(卡雷·奥蒂斯 Carré Otis 饰)是一名初出茅庐的律师,性感中又透露出一丝纯洁的她是许多男人们心目中朝思暮想的女神。一次工作中,艾米丽和搭档克劳迪娅(杰奎琳·比塞特 Jacqueline Bisset 饰)来到了以奔放和热情著称的巴西里约热内卢,在这里,会有怎样非凡的经历等待着她们呢?一次偶然中,艾米丽结识了名为詹姆斯(米基·洛克 Mickey Rourke 饰)的男子,詹姆斯英俊又多金,浑身上下都散发出一股诱惑的气息,巧的是,詹姆斯似乎对艾米丽十分感兴趣。被詹姆斯的魅力所折服,艾米丽不自觉的一步一步向他靠近着,殊不知,此时的自己已经陷入了詹姆斯一手打造的情欲漩涡之中无法自拔。
回复 :退役前,邦·汉姆(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)是一名特种兵训练教官,凭借着自己出色的身手和丰富的野外生存经验,邦·汉姆训练出了一支战斗力和破坏力的极其强大的特种精英部队。城市周边发生的几起谋杀案让居民们陷入了恐慌,负责该案件的女探员艾比(康妮·尼尔森 Connie Nielsen 饰)找到了早已远离江湖的邦·汉姆,希望他能够协助她破案。经过了一些列的调查和追踪,邦·汉姆发现凶手的作案手法和风格与自己十分相似,那也就意味着,这个嗜血的凶徒,很可能就是自己曾经教导过的学生。渐渐的,一个名叫亚伦(本尼西奥·德尔·托罗 Benicio Del Toro 饰)的男人的身影浮出了水面,他正是凶手本人,而他所作的这一切不为了别的,只为了引诱邦·汉姆再度出山。
回复 :DISTURBING THE PEACE is a story of the human potential unleashed when we stop participating in a story that no longer serves us and, with the power of our convictions, take action to create new possibilities. DISTURBING THE PEACE follows former enemy combatants - Israeli soldiers from elite units and Palestinian fighters, many of whom served years in prison - who have joined together to challenge the status quo and say "enough.' The film reveals their transformational journeys from soldiers committed to armed battle to nonviolent peace activists, leading to the creation of Combatants for Peace. While based in the Middle East, DISTURBING THE PEACE evokes universal themes relevant to us all and inspires us to become active participants in the creation of our world.