出品单位: 西部电影集团有限公司讲述了1934年的宁化革命苏区,欧美人民群众积极响应红军第七次扩红支前运动的号召,欧美排除一切困难,投身到红军革命队伍中去。
出品单位: 西部电影集团有限公司讲述了1934年的宁化革命苏区,欧美人民群众积极响应红军第七次扩红支前运动的号召,欧美排除一切困难,投身到红军革命队伍中去。
回复 :郊区某处突发地面沉降,一队工程师前往调查原因。队员夏昊每天背着沉重的测量设备,在已经撤空的郊区里游荡。一日,他进入一间无人的小学,读到一本日记,里面记载了少年隐秘的成长和一个团体的破裂,随着调查的进行,夏昊发现,日记预言了一切。
回复 :Boozy, brassy Apple Annie, a beggar with a basket of apples, is as much as part of downtown New York as old Broadway itself. Bootlegger Dave the Dude is a sucker for her apples --- he thinks they bring him luck. But Dave and girlfriend Queenie Martin need a lot more than luck when it turns out that Annie is in a jam and only they can help: Annie's daughter Louise, who has lived all her life in a Spanish convent, is coming to America with a Count and his son. The count's son wants to marry Louise, who thinks her mother is part of New York society. It's up to Dave and Queenie and their Runyonesque cronies to turn Annie into a lady and convince the Count and his son that they are hobnobbing with New York's elite.
回复 :2024年,朝鲜半岛局势发生重大变化。为了抵制美、俄、中、日四国的压力,朝鲜与韩国决定统一。然而,韩国国内反对统一的呼声甚嚣尘上,怀有不同政治目的的“党派”则在乱象中起到推波助澜的作用。为此,韩国政府组建了全新的警察组织特殊机动队以镇压动乱,结果导致了果川走火事件。从此以后,特殊机动队遭到民众乃至部分政客的憎恶,而公安部更试图伺机解散特殊部队。2029年,在最近一次行动中受伤的特殊部队成员林钟景(姜栋元 饰),在昔日战友而今成为公安部干部韩尚宇(金武烈 饰)的安排下,与果川事件遇害女孩的姐姐李允熙(韩孝周 饰)会面。谁知,这却是一场攸关林钟景以及整个特殊部队命运的圈套……本片根据押井守的同名动画改编。