回复 :这篇故事是由前朝留下的宝藏而引起的几方争斗。讲述了明朝将军慕容青云之女慕容雪在锦衣卫千户云轩和百户墨羽的刻意安排下相识,在慕容雪寻找父亲的同时遭遇暗杀,被迫开始了寻找宝藏的旅途。在云轩的帮助下,两人互生情愫。几人一同寻找宝藏中,几方人马利用慕容雪等人在寻找宝藏的故事。最后燕王朱棣找到宝藏,慕容雪和云轩以及墨羽浪迹天涯。慕容雪不想牵扯置其中,却抵不过各方人的逼迫下牵涉其中。
回复 :On holiday in Yalta, Muscovite banker Dimitri Gurov contrives to meet a young woman who walks her dog. She's Anna Sergeyovna, trapped in a loveless marriage to a lackey. He's unhappy in an arranged marriage. With neither spouse at hand, Dimitri and Anna begin an affair. After a short time, she returns to Saratov, he to Moscow, believing it's good-by forever. All winter he is miserable, enervated, distracted by tristesse. In desperation, he contrives to go to Saratov, surprising her at a concert. Fearing discovery in her home town, she promises to come to Moscow. Will they cast aside reputation to live together, or will theirs be an affair of infrequent encounters in hotel rooms? Written by {jhailey@hotmail.com}
回复 :私营小老板王唯正在为养生馆的经营焦头烂额时,二十年前阴差阳错加入科考队而失踪多年的父亲王得志突然出现在面前。 时隔二十年,父亲竟然容貌未老,记忆错乱,仿佛从另一个时空而来。父亲向王唯讲起当年科考队的故事:一行人驾车进入荒漠进行科学勘察,准备返程时,发现了一艘本该出现在地球另一端的潜水艇。更令人意想不到的是,潜水艇中有一枚来自外星的“双鱼陨石”,任何人一旦触碰将开启平行时空,带来另一个时空的自己,为了活命,只得展开了一场厮杀……