汶川救灾题材的电影《日照好人》以2008年5月12日汶川大地震中被人们称为“史上最牛救援队” 的山东省日照市莒县十位农民工自驾农用三轮车赴汶川抗震救灾的真实故事为原型,蚀金再现了山东人民以及其他全国各地区人民的抗震救灾义举。
汶川救灾题材的电影《日照好人》以2008年5月12日汶川大地震中被人们称为“史上最牛救援队” 的山东省日照市莒县十位农民工自驾农用三轮车赴汶川抗震救灾的真实故事为原型,蚀金再现了山东人民以及其他全国各地区人民的抗震救灾义举。
回复 :1920年代弗吉尼亚某小镇,矿工们不满自己的悲惨待遇举行罢工,矿工由白人矿工为主导,意大利移民坚持下井工作,黑人矿工则被白人矿工视为工贼。Joe,一位抱持和平主义的工运领导者来到这个小镇,希望将工人门组织起来并使用和平、理性、非暴力手段与矿主谈判。他成功的将白人和黑人统一起来,让他们意识到团结才是最有力的武器,但最终他还是失败了,他的和平主义理念无法对抗现实,他在无法避免的枪战中被子弹击中。
回复 :For 27-year-old Ben (Josh Lawson), life couldn’t be better. A well paid job, friends, parties, girls and nothing to tie him down. But when he is invited back to his old school to join several other ex-students including Alex (Rachael Taylor) and Jim (Ed Kavalee) in talking about their personal achievements, something goes wrong. Ben is the only speaker not to be asked a question by the school kids. This triggers a year of soulsearching and looking for answers in all the wrong places.From his best friend Andy (Christian Clark) whose solution is that they both take another holiday, to his mentor Sam (Lachy Hulme) who loans him a sports car in the belief that there’s nothing like excessive speed to resolve emotional turmoil. Not even Ben’s father (Rob Carlton) or friends Nick (Daniel Henshall) and Em (Felicity Ward) can offer much in the way of meaningful guidance.Of course, it’s not easy seeking enlightenment in nightclubs, or on the ski fields of New Zealand, and when you start dating a Russian tennis star things can get really complicated. As the poster boy for a generation desperate to tick every box, Ben begins to suspect that the meaning of life may well reside in the things he's already doing - and a girl he used to know.
回复 :风起云涌的20世纪70年代,英语系学生矢野布美子(石原里美 饰)受聘于大学副教授片濑信太郎(井浦新 饰),担当起英语文学翻译的助手。片濑的妻子雛子(田中丽奈 饰)仪态端庄,千娇百媚,曾是出身某个子爵家庭的大小姐。小布受到片濑夫妇的喜爱,但是这对夫妇颇显怪异的相处方式也让她倍为不安。雛子同时与片濑的学生以及少女时代的故交交往,而片濑对此丝毫没有妒意,反而泰然处之。在轻井泽的别墅里,小布俨然成为片濑夫妇最重要的存在。可是恣意疯长的爱恋突然失控,雛子喜欢上了当地的青年电工(斋藤工 饰),片濑觉察到这个变化,心中的猛兽出笼,也由此酿成了无法挽回的悲剧……本片根据小池真理子的原作改编。