回复 :A portrait of a man who analyses his life on his 44th birthday. The past and the present, the actual and potential developments blend in a dreamy vision. "The protagonist seems to assume that travelling in time is possible, and things happen in an imaginary, invented time which he fittingly adjusts and changes", said Konwicki in the Film Press News 1/1972. The film is a formally complex analysis of what is commonly referred to as the Polish fate. Awards: 1972 - The Warsaw Mermaid of the Film Critics' Club at the Polish Journalists' Association in the feature film category; Special Jury Award at the Lubuskie Film Summer in Lagow; 1973 - Special Award for Screenplay at the San Remo Film Festival.
回复 :影片讲述了一个前选美皇后在丈夫受伤无法工作、家庭陷入困境后,选择了到一个按摩院工作,但她的客户对她的期望并不仅仅是一次按摩……
回复 :描述一群青少年学生参加美国太空总署主办的太空夏令营,亲身体验太空登月的操作环境。不料在一次意外中,他们乘坐的太空舱竟然真地发射升空,几个年轻人登时六神无主,幸好有一个机器人留在舱中协助他们化险为夷。在众多的太空科幻片中,哈瑞.温勒导演本片较著重太空知识的传递而非眩目迷人的特效。外景在NASA 实地拍摄,有些地方颇令人大开眼界。凯特.卡普肖饰演女教官、利.汤普森、凯利.普雷斯顿饰演太空历险的学生,但最讨人喜欢的还是那个造型和表演都相当有趣的机器人。