回复 :Robin Hardy 1973年的The Wicker Man的续集年轻的夫妇贝丝和史蒂夫,从德克萨斯刀苏格兰度假.此地的迷人风光和居民的热情好客,让他们不胜欣喜.然而,渐渐地,这个风光秀丽的小镇不为人知的狰狞面目渐渐破开迷雾,等待他们的,是一场不可想象的恐惧和灾难...Charmed by the residents of Tressock, Scotland, two young missionaries accept the invitation to participate in a local festival, fully unaware of the consequences of their decision.Young Christians Beth and Steve, a gospel singer and her cowboy boyfriend, leave Texas to preach door-to-door in Scotland . When, after initial abuse, they are welcomed with joy and elation to Tressock, the border fiefdom of Sir Lachlan Morrison, they assume their hosts simply want to hear more about Jesus. How innocent and wrong they are.When two young missionaries (Brittania Nicol and Henry Garrett) head to Scotland, they are initially charmed by the locals in the town of Tressock, and agree to become the local Queen of the May and Laddie for the annual town festival. But the couple is not prepared for the frightening consequences of their decision, and the very disturbing secrets they are about to discover about Tressock's seemingly friendly townspeople.
回复 :本片改编于臭名昭著的斯莫尔斯小岛事件。Thomas Howell和Thomas Griffith被派往位于斯莫尔斯小岛的灯塔驻守,这里与世隔绝,四周环绕着冰冷刺骨的海水,起初一切还算顺利,然而风暴的降临摧毁了一切,暴风雨夹杂着冰冷的海水撕扯着二人的身体和心灵,面对无止境的摧残,他们不得不做出选择,他 们祈求上苍眷顾,缺无法面对心底最深的恐惧。这是一部关于死亡的故事,疯狂与绝望无尽的涌出,人性深处的黑暗在这里释放……
回复 :安东尼•齐默是洗黑钱高手,但他手法高超,警方想方设法也无法将其抓获。而另外一个似乎毫不相关的浪漫故事在法国南部上演。弗朗索瓦(伊万•阿达勒Yvan Attal 饰)刚刚与女友分手,坐在开往蓝色海岸的火车上,旅游散心。怎料一段艳遇完美上演——风情万种的吉雅拉(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)上前搭讪,邀他共度周末。短暂的浪漫过后,吉雅拉无故失踪。弗朗索瓦千里寻芳踪,在辗转反复的寻找过程中,他发现了吉雅拉不可告人的秘密。可是,更大的秘密,恐怕是安东尼和弗朗索瓦自己的故事……