三年前,新都李毅的妻子被人杀害后,新都他隐姓埋名追查凶手。但可惜,三年来始终毫无线索。三年后,李毅的好友周新终于帮他查到杀妻凶手的姓名,但就在两人见面时,周新却被神秘杀手暗杀。临死前,周新交给李毅一个盒子。 锦衣卫指挥使纪纲是这次暗杀的主谋,在他得知李毅拿走了关键证据后,转而追杀李毅。另一方面,锦衣卫同知(副指挥使)曹坚也在调查周新死因时将目标锁定在头号嫌疑人李毅身上。站在风口浪尖上的李毅只得一边躲避着纪纲的追杀和曹坚的追捕,一边费尽心血寻找杀妻凶手。
三年前,新都李毅的妻子被人杀害后,新都他隐姓埋名追查凶手。但可惜,三年来始终毫无线索。三年后,李毅的好友周新终于帮他查到杀妻凶手的姓名,但就在两人见面时,周新却被神秘杀手暗杀。临死前,周新交给李毅一个盒子。 锦衣卫指挥使纪纲是这次暗杀的主谋,在他得知李毅拿走了关键证据后,转而追杀李毅。另一方面,锦衣卫同知(副指挥使)曹坚也在调查周新死因时将目标锁定在头号嫌疑人李毅身上。站在风口浪尖上的李毅只得一边躲避着纪纲的追杀和曹坚的追捕,一边费尽心血寻找杀妻凶手。
回复 :A feature documentary film about internationally renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins, is a revelatory cinéma vérité film that goes behind the scenes of his mammoth seminar "Date With Destiny," attended by over 2,500 people in Boca Raton, Florida, each year, to give an insider look at how one man can affect millions. Granted never before seen access to the behind the scenes modus operandi of this enormous event, this film captures both the immense effort of producing this live seminar, as well as the life-changing transformations of the participants in real time. Embedding with Tony Robbins and his team over the course of six days, Academy Award nominated filmmaker Joe Berlinger turns an unflinching eye on Tony Robbins' powerful and uncompromising approach to achieving success, ensuring the attendees leave "Date With Destiny" with new perspective on the forces, thoughts, and feelings that motivate their behavior and help them take ...
回复 :The tragic story of the first and only football player to come out as gay whilst still playing.
回复 :BBC曾经制作出《蓝色星球》的纪录片摄影团队,再次集结奉上了这部堪称难以超越的经典纪录片《地球脉动》。从南极到北极,从赤道到寒带,从非洲草原到热带雨林,再从荒凉峰顶到深邃大海,难以数计的生物以极其绝美的身姿呈现在世人面前。我们看到了Okavango洪水的涨落及其周边赖以生存的动物们的生存状态,看到了罕见的雪豹在漫天大雪中猎食的珍贵画面;看到了冰原上企鹅、北极熊、海豹等生物相互依存的严苛情景,也见识了生活在大洋深处火山口高温环境下的惊奇生物。当然还有地球各地的壮观美景与奇特地貌,无私地将其最为光艳的一面展现出来。本片共计11集,期间还采用美国军方发明的空中摄影机拍摄,可从一公里外拍摄某物体的超清晰特写。