日韩Vova and his best friend Kisa make ends meet by working for the local thug in Vladivostock, Russia until one assignment forces them to question their own morality and puts their friendship to the ultimate test.
日韩Vova and his best friend Kisa make ends meet by working for the local thug in Vladivostock, Russia until one assignment forces them to question their own morality and puts their friendship to the ultimate test.
回复 :皮默和史康多这对兄弟是从外地来到美国求生存的意大利裔美籍人,两兄弟在纽泽西开了一家意大利餐厅。两人最大的愿望就是藉著餐厅的开幕、顾客的光临,来赚更多的钱,实现他们的「美国梦」。虽然两兄弟对共同经营的事业抱著很大的野心,但却得不到顾客青睐;眼看顾客都进了别人的餐厅,自已餐厅却是面临倒闭收场,于是两兄弟想到一个好方法来挽救餐厅。他们费尽心思邀请名人,准备开个一场华丽晚宴,可惜,唯一美中不足的事还是发生了。
回复 :The father of an ill girl tries to obtain her daughter last wish, the dress of the main character of a Japanese TV series. Because of this last wish he will meet a disturbed girl and a retired professor.
回复 :文森特(洛朗·拉菲 Laurent Lafitte 饰)和弗洛伦斯(玛琳娜·佛伊丝 Marina Foïs 饰)终于排除万难结束了他们的婚姻,如今,两人临街而居,和他们各自的新伴侣伯纳黛特(萨拉·吉罗多 Sara Giraudeau 饰)以及爱德华(乔纳森·科恩 Jonathan Cohen 饰)展开了全新的生活。然而,随着时间的推移,伯纳黛特和爱德华都展现出了让文森特和弗洛伦斯无法接受的一面,而对此状况格外敏感的孩子们决定抓住这次机会,让父亲和母亲破镜重圆。孩子们的计划引发了一连串的麻烦和笑料,也让文森特和弗洛伦斯感到十分伤脑筋,于是,他们决定假装复合,再故意将生活弄的一团糟,以展示两人的结合是多么错误的决定。