回复 :To the south of the Indian metropolis of Surat in Gujarat province lies a vast industrial zone that has been growing ever since the 1960s. Director Rahul Jain filmed the grueling daily routine in just one of the many textile factories there. In the factory, man and machine seem to have fused into one being. It is dark and dank, and barely any daylight penetrates the space. The labor is heavy and mind-numbing, and the work days seem endless. We are drawn into a gloomy world where the cacophonous beat of machinery sets the rhythm of toil. Jain is as interested in the mysterious connection between worker and product (the fabrics are treated mechanically, but also with love) as he is in the degrading conditions. Each shift lasts 12 hours, for adults and children alike, and wages are extremely low. Short interviews are interspersed throughout the observational sequences, some of which are captivating in their beauty while others are painful to watch – such as when we see a boy nodding violently in his struggle to stay awake. (From IDFA official website)
回复 :孤城,一座浮华却堕落的罪恶之城,这里充斥着金钱与利益的争夺。然而,在这个亡命之徒的乐园里,仍有少数人坚持着自己心中的正义……警方卧底于秋在上司阿占的运筹帷幄下,多次成功打入当地帮派,斡旋于多方黑色势力之中。于秋在黑帮生活中却好像渐渐迷失自我,他开始怀疑,是否只有“非常”的手段才能主持公正,这让阿占也开始质疑。一次卧底行动中,于秋冒着行动失败的风险和帮派老大激战,结果全体命丧当场。在道德和江湖道义的双重质疑下,于秋选择了自我放逐,他逃离了孤城。然而,于秋内心对惩治罪恶的欲望从未消减,他重整旗鼓回到孤城,而这一次,阿占给他的任务竟然是调查罪恶之城背后最邪恶也最神秘的黑手、人人闻之色变的首脑——“老板”。从一宗离奇的小童绑架案开始,于秋和阿占查出老板的身份和他背后的犯罪网络。神秘的老板控制了商界和黑道,只有毁灭老板才能拯救这座堕落之城。事实上,于秋在追查过程中已经踏入了老板设下的重重圈套。虽然阿占拼死守着法律的底线,老板的势力却渗透了警方权力的高层,于秋渐渐失去了支持,原本要保护的小童也受到生命威胁。在接踵而至的迷局里,坚持正义的于秋好像被推向更深的绝望里……
回复 :A couple who hope to have a romantic weekend book an innocent Airbnb, unaware of the horrors that have taken place there and the monsters who have claimed it as their “territory.” This basic plot gives structure to The Fire Place, but this is a living art piece that continues to evolve and surprise over time.