回复 : 18世纪,朝鲜王朝贵族表面上仁义礼教,实则腐朽荒淫。贵公子赵元(裴勇俊 饰)风度翩翩,书画琴棋皆通,是情场中有名的风流浪子。赵元的堂姐赵夫人(李美淑 饰)表面上贤良淑德,内心却充满嫉妒与哀怨,并与赵元有着男女之情。赵夫人的丈夫即将迎娶少女素玉(李昭娟 饰)为妾,赵夫人暗中令赵元引诱素玉,在入门之前破坏她的贞洁,令自己的丈夫蒙羞。赵元对引诱少女并无兴趣,而是盯上了一位守寡九年、受到过皇室褒奖的贞洁女子——淑夫人(全度妍 饰)。赵夫人与赵元打赌,如果他能征服淑夫人这样恪守妇道的女人,就许以其床第之欢。赵元对堂姐垂涎久矣,因此想尽办法接近淑夫人,巧言令色向其诉说爱意,对任何男人都冷漠如冰的淑夫人逐渐不能自持……本片改编自法国18世纪小说家拉克洛用书信形式所写成的小说《危险关系》。
回复 :Miss Sharon Jones: Dreams never expire but sometimes they are deferred. Miss Sharon Jones follows the talented and gregarious soul singer of the Grammy nominated R&B band "Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings." In the most challenging year of her life, Sharon Jones confronts pancreatic cancer. As she struggles to find her health and voice again, the film intimately uncovers the mind and spirit of a powerful woman determined to regain the explosive singing career that eluded her for 50 years.
回复 :李文在东湖周围寻找一个“精神病人”。这部影片受“东湖艺术计划”启发,并以此为契机,通过模糊纪录和虚构的界线的方式展现了东湖边的一些人和事。