回复 :体育经理人在贤(柳演锡饰)是个相当玩世不恭的青年,他在釜山高速列车KTX上第一次见到了秀晶(文彩元饰)就对其一见钟情,性格直率不羁的他提出要和秀晶谈一场一天的恋爱。秀晶是一个不愿意给男人任何可乘之机的“铁壁女”,面对在贤的各种无理要求她相当恼火,而在贤却决心要在24小时 内得到秀晶的心,这样一对想法完全不合拍的两人从此展开了一场爱情拉锯战。
回复 :
回复 :"I want to be yours tonight..."Three men from a social club get together for intimate reasons, then a cute and sexy girl happens to fall in front of them!'A sexy and rich' guy who has to go to the military giving up his school credits, 'a loser' who just got discharged dreaming of heated love and 'a goose father' who hasn't had sex in forever, join a paragliding club for other reasons.A hot and sexy girl appears in front of them and the three hyenas convince her to go to an overnight paragliding trip with them. Who will be the winner? This girl playing hard to get causes the three to shake and they start doing anything they need to get her to spend a night with them...