上野樹里と林遣都の共演により、免费第14回小説現代長編新人賞を受賞したパリュスあや子の小説「隣人X」が映画化。「隣人X 疑惑の彼女」のタイトルで12月1日より東京・新宿ピカデリーほか全国で公開される。
上野樹里と林遣都の共演により、免费第14回小説現代長編新人賞を受賞したパリュスあや子の小説「隣人X」が映画化。「隣人X 疑惑の彼女」のタイトルで12月1日より東京・新宿ピカデリーほか全国で公開される。
回复 :詹妮弗·杰森·李饰演的单身母亲,带着两个女儿,以及因为一场事故身受重伤,如今躺在床上不省人事的儿子(卡梅隆·莫纳汉),搬进了这栋“非常邪”的房子。恐怖的事情也随之开始,屋中的恶灵似乎盘踞到了昏迷的儿子体内,他忽然苏醒,成了恶鬼用来杀人的工具。
回复 :吸血鬼狂热爱好者查理•布莱维斯特(William Ragsdale 饰)最大的爱好就是在深夜看恐怖电影。某晚,他隔壁的空房子里来了两个不速之客,根据多年观看恐怖片的经验,查理断定这两个人一定是吸血鬼。然而无论是警察,还是好友女友,没有一个人相信他的说辞。万般无奈之下,查理只能请来恐怖电视节目“颤栗之夜”的主持人皮特•文森特(Roddy McDowell 饰)。虽然文森特质疑查理的说法,但看在钱的份上他还是前来调查。面对纠缠不休的查理,吸血鬼杰瑞(Chris Sarandon 饰)该如何对付呢?
回复 :Women He's Undressed is a cinema length documentary that explores the life of Australia's most prolific costume designer. Until now Orry-Kelly has been unacknowledged in his country of birth and pretty well forgotten in the adopted country of his greatest success. During the boom years of Hollywood he was the costume designer on an astonishing 282 motion pictures. He designed for the stars like Marilyn Munroe, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Rosalind Russell, Errol Flynn and many more of the immortals. His films included Some Like It Hot, Casablanca, An American in Paris and Now, Voyager. Orry-Kelly (Jack to his friends) won three Academy Awards and was nominated for a fourth. Orry-Kelly was Head of Warner Brothers Costume Department during the richest period of American film, the establishment of the dream factory and its effect on mass culture. He was outrageous, witty, outspoken, a drinker and uncompromising but he survived partially protected by his friendship with Jack and Ann ... Written by Damien Parer