回复 :谁能说出最恐怖的故事?三个朋友在夏威夷的野营旅行中试着和对方约会。但只有一个人能赢得故事游戏。
回复 :印尼籍少女Melati在過去六年一直致力於解決印尼日益嚴重的塑膠污染問題。她如世界各地的年青人一樣,一心要為人權、氣候、言論自由、社會公義、基本教育和温飽而鬥爭。Melati穿梭各國,希望重新認識她的世代。在一切趨向絕望的時代,年輕人欲教曉我們如何活下去,以及身為人類的我們該如何處世。
回复 :Overall, this is a banal story of revenge, in which as the Black Mamba Shannon Tweed - famous actress erotic genre in second-rate American films early and mid-90s. Actually, for the sake of her adventures, and its only worth watching. In the tape she manages to seduce the whole family: the father, the mother, and, most interesting of their young son. Intimate scenes average frankness with nudity, but not pornography, with continuous background music, but also with the "original" actor dubbing Ohoven poisonous substances and so on. In general, leave a good impression. Director of the Scorned, Andrew Stevens, once played in a movie Massacre at Central High, made in 1976.