在零下四十度极寒之地,国产高跟以周鹏(梁家辉 饰)、国产高跟汪豪(佟大为 饰)为首的“追凶者”深入冰河,追查真凶寻找真相。在暗藏杀机的冷酷冰河,牵一发而动全身,每一个人都无法避免地被卷入一场场错综复杂的事件,成为“追凶”成员。而冰河下的最终真相却颠覆所有人的想象……
在零下四十度极寒之地,国产高跟以周鹏(梁家辉 饰)、国产高跟汪豪(佟大为 饰)为首的“追凶者”深入冰河,追查真凶寻找真相。在暗藏杀机的冷酷冰河,牵一发而动全身,每一个人都无法避免地被卷入一场场错综复杂的事件,成为“追凶”成员。而冰河下的最终真相却颠覆所有人的想象……
回复 :香港探员陈港生(成龙饰)跟踪黑道老大维克多·王(赵文瑄饰)长达十数年,为搜集他犯罪证据而被卷入一场“计中计”中,还将自己的侄女白舒(范冰冰饰)牵扯进来。在这场被中国特警、维克多·王、俄罗斯黑帮三面夹攻的“绝地逃亡”中,班尼结识了共患难的最佳拍档康纳(约翰尼·诺克斯维尔饰),一位正被维克多·王和俄国杀手追捕逃命的美国赌博高手,三人最终将怎样结束这场冒险变得扑朔迷离。
回复 :
回复 :The story revolves around a youth Sub-Inspector in a town in Tuticorin. Being a well bonded family in the town, hero's father wants to have his son in his proximity's. He makes hero a police- sub-inspector and make sure that hero gets his posting in his own town. In the smooth pattern of hero with a comedian constable enters the heroine, daughter of a business man in Chennai. She comes to hero's town for her vacation where her grandfather's lives and they fall in love with each other. parallel on the other side, a Chennai court verdicts the villain to be expelled from the territory of Chennai to the police station of hero's for a certain period. The two clash against each other in the reporting period due to unforeseen reasons and the enmity leaps in-controlled. The villain takes every effort to get the hero transferred to his own territory, Chennai and succeeds in transferring. The rest of the story follows...