回复 :居住在同一个山谷里的一对老年兄弟K和W,因为未说明的原因四十年不曾说过一句话,全靠一条狗传递纸条来交流沟通. 整个山谷并没有多少人居住,但就在全山谷举行的养羊比赛中,K的大公羊以微弱优势获得胜利,W十分不服气,不经意间,他发现K的羊得了瘟疫,于是前去举报,导致包括K和W 家在内的整个山谷的羊都不得不面临被人道主义毁灭的危险.没有了羊,K完全不知道怎么度过漫长的冬季,而受到牵连的W在地窖里悄悄地藏了几只,但这个秘密并没有保守太久......
回复 :
回复 :When vice detective Bob Hightower finds his ex-wife murdered and daughter kidnapped by a satanic cult - Bob is frustrated by bumbling botched official investigations. Bob quits the police force, gets tattoos, and infiltrates the cult to hunt down the charismatic cult leader, Cyrus, with the help of the cult's only female victim escapee, the brilliantly damaged, Case Hardin. Bob is lead down the rabbit hole to save his daughter and Case seizes the opportunity to claim back her power from the cult that took so much away from her.