福利A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.
福利A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.
回复 :童年兄弟意外失散,30年后因一桩罪案相见,两人已身处不同阵营。随着对罪案调查的深入,一个多年来隐于幕后的恐怖组织渐渐浮出水面。
回复 :枚竹(刘威葳 饰)和丈夫肖路(张嘉译 饰)离婚多年,带着女儿禾禾嫁给了老谢(成泰燊 饰),肖路也和空姐董帆(余男 饰)重新组建了一个家庭。禾禾被查出得了白血病,普通的化疗并没有很好的控制住病情,为了救禾禾,枚竹找到了肖路,提出想和他再生一个孩子,肖路无奈答应;经过三次人工授精的失败后,枚竹决定和肖路来真的,两个人的家庭也卷入了其中,四个人都经受着巨大的考验,面对选择,左右为难。
回复 :女主角被贪污刑警爱人陷害后,想杀死贪污刑警未遂入狱。在牢中,女主角曾尝试越狱,但失手被抓,连累狱中同囚被狱警无理欺压。贪污刑警雇用监狱中女囚,企图暗中杀人灭口,但未能得手。其後,囚犯因不能忍受狱警的无理虐待,触发暴动。女主角成功趁乱逃狱後,化身黑衣复仇天使,亲手手刃仇人及相关人员。