久日精品A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.
久日精品A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.
回复 :Captain Ambrose comes from a long line of distinguished sailors...but is all too susceptible to seasickness. After the war, he buys himself a nautical command on shore; a decrepit amusement pier at the British resort town Sandcastle-on-Sea, whose prim town council has outlawed arcade games as a form of gambling! Running the pier like a naval vessel, the captain's determination to make it a modern, going concern meets steady opposition. But with an unexpected new ally, he pursues a remarkable scheme to liberate his ship from land authorities...
回复 :艾露思(托马辛·麦肯齐 Thomasin McKenzie 饰)是个性单纯善良的乡村女孩,渴望成为一名服装设计师。凭借着自己的努力,她考上了位于伦敦的艺术学院,怀揣着对未来的期待和对梦想的希冀,她告别的居住在故乡的外婆,独自踏上了求学之路。初来乍到,伦敦的一切在艾露思的眼里看来都是这样的新奇和时髦,但同时,复杂的人际关系和繁重的学业也给艾露思带来了巨大的压力。无法适应宿舍生活的艾露思租下了一间老旧但是舒适的单室间,哪知道在这里的第一夜,她就在半梦半醒之间穿越回了60年代,并且邂逅了一位名叫桑迪(安雅·泰勒-乔伊 Anya Taylor-Joy 饰)的女子。艾露思透过桑迪的眼睛目睹了她是如何从一个才华横溢的女子一步一步堕落成为妓女最后被杀害的全过程。
回复 :《大洋之间的灯光》根据M.L.Stedman的同名小说处女作改编,该书今年七月在美国出版后,很快便登上了《纽约时报》畅销书榜单小说讲述了第一次世界大战结束后,一名老兵带着他年轻的妻子来到了一个偏僻的澳洲小岛当起了灯塔看守人。远离硝烟的夫妇俩过着平静的生活,唯一的遗憾就是他们无法生育孩子。一天海边冲上来一条小船,船上有一个死人和一个婴儿,夫妇俩决定违背灯塔看守人的规则,把这个小孩抱回来当成自己孩子抚养,但他们的这个决定却带来了一系列灾难性的后果……