Three friends wanted to conquer the world with their music. With their super hit "Take on Me" they actually did. Even today the band a-ha still plays worldwide in front of sold-out arenas.
Three friends wanted to conquer the world with their music. With their super hit "Take on Me" they actually did. Even today the band a-ha still plays worldwide in front of sold-out arenas.
回复 :高中老师圭和学生一叶,明知是禁断之恋却相爱了,为摆脱众人的阻拦而开车兜风的两人却遭遇不幸。多年后无法忘记恋人的圭,相信着还能再见的奇迹,走向了被称为“与失去人相逢”的乌克兰克莱文镇的绿色隧道………
回复 :
回复 :影片根据意大利60年代末的真实事件改编。意大利诗人、剧作家和导演奥尔多·布雷班蒂,因与他学生的亲密举动而被起诉入狱。在铺天盖地的指控者、支持者和虚伪的公众的声音中,一位记者孤注一掷,遵从自然与内心,在世俗无法理解与尊重的秘密和欲望之间探求真相。