回复 :The second season of Harry's Law, a legal dramedy created by David E. Kelley, premiered on NBC on September 21, 2011. Regular cast members during the season include Kathy Bates, Nathan Corddry, Karen Olivo, Mark Valley and Christopher McDonald. Christopher McDonald was promoted to a main character after season one. Aml Ameen and Brittany Snow left the cast after season one but will be guest starring in season two.[2] The season was originally going to have thirteen episodes. On October 11, NBC ordered an additional six scripts, bringing the total to 19.[3]On November 12, 2011, NBC revealed that Harry's Law will move to Sunday at midseason.[4] On January 6, 2012 NBC announced a full season order of 22 episodes.[5]from wikipedia.
回复 :1900 年的慕尼黑,野心勃勃的啤酒酿造商寇特·普兰克采用残忍手段,只为建造一个啤酒棚,在暴利的十月啤酒节上称霸。
回复 :故事集中发生在十六小时之内,法官鲁南(夏雨 饰)短暂出差南津向庭长当面汇报工作时,被要求帮忙参详一桩发生在九年前的“离奇碎尸惨案”的死刑复核工作,而这桩案子又与“陈曼团伙走私案”有着千丝万缕的联系。为了能够尽快探寻真相,鲁南与在津港的乔绍廷(罗晋 饰)联手,凭借各自的“极限操作”,惊险地闯过重重危机,最终破解了碎尸案的真正谜底。而乔绍廷通过这次惊险之旅,也意外得到了《庭外·落水者》中自己跟进的那起“离奇无尸案”的重要线索……《庭外・盲区》是在同一时空关系下的《庭外》系列剧之一。