回复 :深情呆滞而步履沉重的保尔维泽很不幸地娶了镇上有名的妖妇;他的老婆几乎和任何男人都上床,这样使得老实的保尔维泽陷入严重的困境……
回复 :信用诈欺师系列继香港、马来西亚,第三部电影版将舞台拉到了欧洲!眼见不一定为真,真金可能不用火炼,这场以世界遗产为舞台、尔虞我诈的游戏正要展开!被称作「英雄」的诈欺师〈第三代槌之子〉去世。而过去曾在第三代槌之子底下接受训练的达子、小少爷、理查三人,为了继承当代第一〈槌之子〉的称号,在世界遗产都市─马尔他岛・瓦莱塔进行对决。本次的目标,是西班牙前黑道手中的梦幻秘宝─古希腊凋像〈起舞的维纳斯〉。螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。好不容易钓上了大鱼,却没注意到警察与国际刑警佈下天罗地网正在身后…。信用诈欺师行骗天下的最大骗局正式开始!!究竟是谁,才能获得胜利女神的眷顾!?真正的〈英雄〉、最后的〈真实〉到底是─!?
回复 :A sassy parrot and a free-spirited librarian upend the well-ordered life of a solitary man. Lyman (Jackson Hurst) is a loner, working the graveyard shift for the Courtesy Patrol. When a green parrot flies in to his trailer he becomes obsessed with finding its owner, which leads him to Fiona(Rachel Nichols). She has been eyeing Lyman from a distance and decides to help with his parrot search, whether he wants her to or not. Along with her basset hound, they set out on a quest to find the bird’s previous owners and Fiona begins to unravel the mysteries of Lyman's past. But when Fiona joins Lyman on his nightly rounds, she witnesses a reality more intense than the romantic version she had envisioned.