回复 :SummaryBullied by his matriarchal mother, abused by his siblings, ignored by his father, Poil de Carotte's childhood is as miserable as it could be. An illegitimate child, he is the main reason for the enmity which exists between his parents, who continue to live together just to keep up appearances. In the end, Poil de Carotte's suffering becomes more than he can bear...ReviewDrawing heavily on the poignant novel by Jules Renard on which it is based, Poil de carotte is a modest yet appealing film which has stood the test of time mainly because of the quality of its acting performances and its inherent humanity. It is more memorable than Julien Duvivier's earlier silent version of 1925, also named Poil de Carotte.The part of Poil de Carotte was played by 11 year old Robert Lynen, who was alleged to have been discovered whilst walking down the Champs-Elysées in Paris. Lynen is totally captivating and the film made him an instant star, launching what looked like becoming a very promising film career – until he was shot dead whilst fighting against the Germans in 1944. Harry Baur, a legendary stage and film actor (who also died during World War II, allegedly at the hands of the Gestapo), also turns in a typically fine performance. The reconciliation between father and son at the end of the film provides its most enduring image, enough to melt the heart of all but the most stoical of spectators.
回复 :A lawyer turns judge jury and executioner and goes after a gang, led by a minister's son, that threatens women with videos of them.
回复 :布奇(乔什•哈奈特 Josh Hartnett 饰)和李(艾伦•艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)都是拳击界的佼佼者,李被称为“火先生”、而布奇则被称为“冰先生”。李在警局执行组,而布奇则比较落魄。在警局举行的一场拳赛上,布奇故意输给了李,以此跻身了警局,成为李的搭档,两人更成了无话不谈的好友。两人奉命调查一个叫纳什的家伙犯下的连环凶杀案,在一次埋伏行动中,李为了救布奇射杀了一名监视的疑犯,但却没抓到纳什。随后两人在现场附近发现了被称为“黑色大丽花”的肖特的尸体,肖特死因恐怖。李很快就放弃了调查纳什一案,而集中精力一人追查肖特的案件,而当年被李抓获的抢劫银行犯鲍比提早出狱也让李感到焦头烂额。布奇为了帮助搭档,自己也开始着手调查,然而,随着调查的深入,真相逐渐浮出水面之际,却发现了李身后不为人知的秘密。