春暖The hilarious adventures of a group of creatures a twig, a pebble, a leaf and a strawberry who live in an unkempt backyard belonging to a trio of equally unkempt humans whom they mistake for gods.
春暖The hilarious adventures of a group of creatures a twig, a pebble, a leaf and a strawberry who live in an unkempt backyard belonging to a trio of equally unkempt humans whom they mistake for gods.
回复 :炎夏酷暑,为了营救被罗宣抓走的女娲族人,夏天、tico、朋朋和克洛斯,踏上了征伐魔宫的新旅程。 四人经历艰难穿越空间之门,终于踏上暗影大陆的土地,向魔宫进发。但是,暗影大陆奇特的地域环境、诡异的生物种群,无一不成为阻碍夏天一行人前进的绊脚石,罗宣座下的三大法王,则频施阴招,制造出重重险关。随着夏天和伙伴们的逐渐深入,罗宣一直以来秘密酝酿的险恶计划,也开始浮出水面。 古恨与今仇,正义与诡谋,只待夏至,迸裂对决……
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回复 :偶像大师SideM 事出有因Mini!动画全集是《偶像大师SideM》衍生动画,主要描绘了迷你偶像们闪闪发光、萌点满满的日常生活,动画中的角色将涵盖目前已登场的46名偶像全员。