永久首尔汝矣岛KBS Hall举行
永久首尔汝矣岛KBS Hall举行
回复 :頂級教室爭奪戰即將開打,召喚獸現身吧!「我不要這種教室啦!」──笨蛋明久的喊叫聲響遍校園。這裡就是以嚴格分班制度聞名的文月學園。在A段班教室,有完善的冷暖空調及可調式座椅供優秀的精英們使用;而明久所分配到的放牛班教室裡,只有破舊飯桌跟爛掉的榻榻米。為了心儀已久的元氣少女瑞希,明久慫恿班長雄二展開一場激烈的組別戰爭。一場使用學園開發的試驗召喚獸,爭奪頂級教室使用權的危險賭注就要開始啦!
回复 :讓我們從全世界最大的廚房,來一場美味幕後大冒險。超級倉廚實戰: 夢幻料理秀Mega Food: Catering To Fashion義大利佛羅倫斯即將舉辦最新一季的男裝時裝秀。對當地某個外燴業者來說,這意味有生意上門,他們因為能將時裝秀變成夢幻料理秀而聞名,但是這個團隊將因一場活動,而面臨最嚴苛的考驗。超級倉廚實戰:超級郵輪海洋綠洲號Megafood: The World's Biggest Cruise Ship每七天一輪,兩百五十位廚師將一百噸生鮮食材,轉變成二十五萬份餐點。這種類似軍事演習的情況,發生在全世界最大的郵輪,皇家加勒比海公司的「海洋綠州號」上。超級倉廚實戰: 澳洲酒吧Mega Food: Aussie Super Pub週末快到了,澳洲最大酒吧的隊伍要使出渾身解數。他們只有四天可以採購、準備、及烹飪。秉持著從農場直通餐桌的理念,對這一小隊專家而言,這是一場衝往終點線的戰役。超級倉廚實戰:濱海灣金沙飯店廚神Megafood: Marina Bay Sands Masterchef新加坡的濱海灣金沙飯店樓高57層,擁有兩千五百間客房和二十幾家餐廳。有一家餐廳一天要餵飽七千多人--其中沒有一個是客人。這是飯店的員工餐廳。在這家指標性的飯店裡,窺視房客看不到的那一面,並發掘金沙飯店的大廚團隊,如何讓房客和員工吃得心滿意足。超級倉廚實戰: 美味飛機餐Mega Food: Up In The Air一架飛機,四百多名飢腸轆轆的乘客--這是蘇黎世佳美航空膳食公司的廚師每天面對的挑戰。他們平均每天為往來的航班製作五萬份餐點,每份餐點中都投注了五星級料理的心力。超級倉廚實戰: 奧蘭多海洋世界Mega Food: Sea World Orlando和奧蘭多海洋世界的烹飪大隊一起進廚房。有一千兩百名遊客,難怪烹飪作業是遊樂園裡最大的單位。日夜不停,全年無休。供應13間餐廳、50個活動和固定攤販,以及特殊活動的餐飲,其中有個場地一小時招待一千多人。進入海洋世界的廚房,看看奧蘭多最受歡迎的海洋主題公園截然不同的另外一面。
回复 :Tatler is the oldest magazine in the world and has been reporting on the lives of Britain’s most privileged and powerful for 300 years. Tatler not only documents, but also dictates the social calendar of Britain’s elite. With an archive full of society’s movers and shakers being pictured in its pages it has long been a rite of passage for Britain’s ruling classes.In the first episode of Posh People: Inside Tatler we meet the editor, Kate Reardon, a self-confessed ‘honking, great Sloane’, and her features team - who are all expected to be well versed in the rules of upper class life.The programme follows Matthew Bell - Tatler’s writer and the newest addition to the team - over his first few months at the magazine. We’ll see him trying to find his feet and go from middle class outsider to privileged insider.We’ll see the team putting together an issue, follow them on shoots and key social events to meet the people they feature - from Lord Glasgow in his 13th Century castle in Scotland, to Nigerian Millionaire Kola Karim, who has no idea how many cars he owns.