回复 :Adam is a teenage artist coming of age in the aftermath of an alien takeover. The Vuvv, a species of hyper-intelligent extraterrestrials, brought wondrous technology to earth, but only the wealthiest can afford it. The rest of humanity, their livelihoods now obsolete, have to scrape together money in the tourism industry. In the case of Adam and his budding love interest Chloe, that means livestreaming their courtship for the amusement of the coffee-table sized Vuvv, who find human love exotic and interesting. When Adam and Chloe's scheme goes sideways, Adam and his mother have to find their way out of an increasingly nightmarish alien bureaucracy.Writer-director Cory Finley (Thoroughbreds, 2017 Sundance Film Festival) returns to Park City with this brazenly original sci-fi trip that features a breakout performance by Asante Blackk. Based on the novel by National Book Award winner M.T. Anderson, the film carefully threads its comedic fantasies with a morose sensibility that sends audiences on a probing exploration of class and commerce.
回复 :普通上班族伊原直人(重冈大毅 饰)突然接到一通电话,他的妻子伊原美雪(初夏 饰)和儿子春翔遭遇了一场严重车祸,危在旦夕。伊原仓皇赶到医院,却发现美雪早已无力回天,而春翔则在诡异的情况下活转人间。不久前,伊原曾半开玩笑地跟儿子说,壁虎的断尾埋进土里念上一段咒语后也能重新长成新的壁虎。在此之后,郁郁寡欢的春翔偷偷将母亲的断指埋进地下,谁知诡异的事情居然真的发生了。另一方面,伊原的前同事仓泽比吕子(桥本环奈 饰)当初曾对伊原新有好感,可是这件事被美雪发现后,她便经常遭到美雪生灵的恐吓和骚扰。而随着美雪的复生,更恐怖的事件即将来临……
回复 :男主是一名高中生,即将面临考入大学的难题,为了帮助男主复习,男主的父亲为男主请了私人家教辅导功课,面对性感漂亮的女老师,男主无法真正投入到学习中来,善良的女老师发现了这一个问题,为了让男主专心学习,便...