由2019 台北电影奖最佳男配角大鹤所饰演的新手编剧,驸马为了 圆梦北漂到台北打拚,驸马满怀理想的他,原是王家卫的信徒,奈何敌不过现实的摧残,在制作人宛如鬼来电的声声催促中,他的剧本在半小时内,被迫从《花样年华》修改成台语八点档!本土剧美魔女丁国琳、嘻哈王子李英宏、新生代气质女星江沂 宸,以剧中剧的方式,不计形象爆笑演出。紧凑又诙谐的剧情, 让人笑着笑着竟流出泪来,真实反映台湾影视产业的现况及底层劳动的辛酸。
由2019 台北电影奖最佳男配角大鹤所饰演的新手编剧,驸马为了 圆梦北漂到台北打拚,驸马满怀理想的他,原是王家卫的信徒,奈何敌不过现实的摧残,在制作人宛如鬼来电的声声催促中,他的剧本在半小时内,被迫从《花样年华》修改成台语八点档!本土剧美魔女丁国琳、嘻哈王子李英宏、新生代气质女星江沂 宸,以剧中剧的方式,不计形象爆笑演出。紧凑又诙谐的剧情, 让人笑着笑着竟流出泪来,真实反映台湾影视产业的现况及底层劳动的辛酸。
回复 :好莱坞著名编剧达尔顿·特朗勃的传记片。特朗勃上世纪30年代进入好莱坞当编剧,奉献过《罗马假日》、《出埃及记》、《斯巴达克斯》、《约翰尼上战场》等经典作品。在荣誉背后,特朗勃的职业生涯实际上非常坎坷,他在40年代末遭到非美活动委员会(HUAC)的迫害,被米高梅于1950年解雇,并蹲了大牢。出狱后他被政府列进黑名单,一度无法工作,特朗勃就借用他人名字创作剧本。他曾凭借《罗马假日》与《勇敢的人》夺下两座最佳编剧的小金人,但当时剧本的作者署的都不是他的名字。直到1960年,特朗勃才走出迫害,他的编剧才华才得以重见天日。
回复 :這部驚人的紀錄片回顧無藥可醫的英國愛滋危機大流行早期,當時HIV檢測呈現陽性幾乎等於宣判死刑。許多受訪人士從未對媒體公開談論過那些痛苦難忘的早期日子,而這可能是他們唯一一次的訪談。本片穿插了演員-強納森布雷克的訪談,他與病毒共同生活已經超過30年。影片中講述世人絕不能淡忘的一段絕望時期。《愛滋過後》是對人類同情心、力量、愛心與韌性的非凡見證,並確保那些聲音永遠不會被遺忘
回复 :This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who perform a passion play in some unnamed village. Fear of some unknown danger breaks out in the village, which is cut off from the surrounding world. Stupidity, selfishness and aggressiveness then come to the surface in this society under threat. In the film's key scene, a woman is raped by the self-styled leader. Zdenuk Mahler, who would later work on Forman's examination Mozart Amadeus, worked on the script.The director Evald Schorm (1929-1988) was one of the most original members of the Czech "New Wave". During the "normalization" era, Schorm spent many years unable to direct. His last film, Killing with Kindness (1988) was only made in the twilight years of Communism. During that period when he was unable to direct films, he became an outstanding stage director. He directed groundbreaking productions at the "Na zábradlí" Theater and Laterna Magika.