回复 :Showing her engagement ring to Fez in the car, Kitty drops it, so Red drops the kids to look for it in the woods. Bob blurts out that Red gave her a $65, not $1,000 ring, so he's in the doghouse until he tells the rather romantic truth, yet Kitty gets value for money in the end. Fez gets lost and hides in a cave with his goldfish until Bob finds the candy trail Fez accidentally left. Hyde enjoys taunting Jackie, who refused to team up boy-girl and manages to get wet all alone, while Donna exposes her 'wet' half.
回复 :老公陆济年和妻子周琬琬因为一次意外而身体互换,从此两人的关系变得复杂。周琬琬在老公的身体里过起了富豪生活而陆济年却每天受尽委屈
回复 :周洛(张新成 饰)是清水镇第一个考上名牌大学的学霸,可他大学还没毕业就退学回来,并去了补习学校复读,在小镇上掀起一阵风暴。如果不是自己被人非议,周洛恐怕永远也不会注意到镇上的另一个话题人物,南雅。南雅(童瑶 饰)是一个美貌过人的服装店主,关于她的风言风语始终不绝于耳。她每天往返于服装店和家之间,带着生病的女儿宛湾。随着周洛与南雅日益熟络,周洛发现南雅的婚姻生活并不美满,她的商人丈夫徐毅回到家后有着残暴的一面,周洛曾亲眼目睹他家暴南雅。而“大桥案”的发生,更牵扯出了徐毅在公司经营中的诸多问题。这一切,让南雅的婚姻岌岌可危。为了保护女儿宛湾,南雅想要离婚。善良的少年周洛不忍看到南雅在婚姻中一而再受创,主动伸出援手,为南雅提供帮助。最终,在周洛和小镇善良的人们以及警察的帮助下,案件各方都收获了公平公正的对待。