回复 :叶小萌(安以轩 饰)经营着一间茶餐厅,身为处女座的她对感情有着非常高的要求,所以年近三十依然形单影只。美食杂志主编冷安(安宰贤 饰)也是处女座,但他却是个游戏人间的花花公子,身边莺莺燕燕从未断绝。可实际上,没有一个人能够走进冷安的内心。一次偶然中,叶小萌结识了名为大卫(方中信 饰)的西餐厅总经理,大卫因为未婚妻琳达的落跑一直耿耿于怀,巧合的是,叶小萌和琳达有着相似之处。就这样,叶小萌和大卫渐渐走到了一起,然而,琳达的存在是叶小萌内心里一根永远的刺。某日,冷安震惊的发现自己竟然失去了味觉,以此为契机,叶小萌和冷安之间渐渐熟悉了起来。
回复 :A group of conscripts are called up into the infantry during WWII. At first they appear a hopeless bunch but their sergeant and Lieutenant have faith in them and mould them into a good team. When they go into action in N. Africa they realise what it's all about.- Written by Steve Crook
回复 :Adult brothers Mark and Colin Pollock still live with their parents Frank and Mavis Pollock in a small apartment in the projects of London's east end in what is a collective depressed and unhappy existence. The three men of the household are all on the dole, each doing little to find gainful employment. Between the brothers, Mark is the smart aleck, who calls his parents by their given names to irk them, and who hangs out with a bunch of hooligans as he refers to himself and his friends, such as a skinhead named Coxy. Although never medically diagnosed as such, Colin is seemingly emotionally slow. Colin likes to hang out with Mark and his friends in his want to be accepted, especially as Mark tells him that a neighborhood girl named Hayley is interested him. The family rarely socializes with Mavis' sister and brother-in-law, Barbara and John, who live a middle to upper middle class and seemingly perfect existence in the suburbs of Chigwell. Although not telling them to their face, John dislikes his relations by marriage, believing especially Mark to be brash and trashy. A unilateral act by Barbara leads to many issues within the extended family coming to the surface, most specifically the true happiness of the marriage between Barbara and John, and what Colin is truly looking for to be happy in life.