久久久久The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
久久久久The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
回复 :A ladies' man is forced to change his ways when he's suddenly saddled with the daughter he never knew about.
回复 :時間是否單一前進?空間是否有個窿?當每個少女遇害時,兇手可能同時間在妳面前出現!【元神出竅】發生了一連串的姦殺案,逸思(人稱Yes)接手調查,在目擊者辯認下,皆確認強就是強姦犯,但強卻有很多有力的不在場證據。一切顯得迷離之際,逸思半信半疑強可能懂「元神出竅」術。【牛頭馬面】發生了多宗連環兇殺案,有密室殺人,有海上殺人事件,而每次行兇,都是兩人同時下手,故警方推斷是職業殺手所為。就在逸思胡思亂想之際,想起死囚在行刑前,通常最後一餐,都會有雞及香煙。兩個「職業殺手」又是否傳說中的「牛頭馬面」,而逸思又是否能自救逃出鬼門關呢……
回复 :Frankie (张建声饰演)从小在家教严厉的家庭中长大,生活都十分刻板乏味,向西青春期的‘性启蒙老师’就是王静(王宗尧饰演)--向西中学时期的唯一朋友。向西在中学时期及在英国留学期间,在性方面处处撞壁,在英国留学期间,向西除了结交了好色学长James(胡耀辉饰演)外,可以说一无得着。向西其后接受王静与James的邀请一同北上寻欢,初到欢场的向西对于这个世界一无所知,这里的一事一物都充满着新鲜与刺激,让他体会到人生之中前所未有过的欢悦性爱,对向西来说,这绝对可以说是一次肉体上的‘Perfect Sex’。向西终于知道为什么男人会爱上寻欢,因为这是女朋友绝对满足不到的[1]。