回复 :Weaving links between New York’s auction houses and art dealers, a revered British Leonardo da Vinci expert, one opportunistic Swiss go-between, a Russian oligarch, London’s Tate Gallery, Le Musée du Louvre in Paris, and a Saudi Arabian prince, journalist Antoine Vitkine delves into the secrets of the art world, and explores the influence that one painting can have. After mysteriously appearing, a painting titled Salvator Mundi (The Savior of the World) was sold at Christie’s auction house, for a record 450 million US dollars in 2017. Attributed to Leonardo da Vinci after its discovery, what became the most expensive piece of art ever has unleashed passions, while revealing the excesses of our time. Journeying along the hidden trails of money, power, and deception lying behind this questionable masterpiece, this film asks: is this really the work of the Italian genius, or one of the greatest scams in the history of art?
回复 :一宗国际名模涉嫌虐待女儿的冤案,竟成了法律界、权贵与名媛之间的角力场!社会金字塔顶层的钟氏家族,如何用尽权力与资源去自保?以林凉水(黄子华 饰)为代表的律师们又如何在重重困难下伸张正义?
回复 :阿戈斯之王亚克里斯的女儿达娜厄美丽动人,连天神宙斯(Laurence Olivier 饰)也为之倾倒。在宙斯的感召下,达娜厄生下一个男孩,取名珀修斯。但是蒙在鼓里的阿戈斯认为女儿不贞,遂企图杀害女儿和孙子。他的罪行引起宙斯的愤怒,宙斯命令波塞冬(Jack Gwillim 饰)拯救达娜厄母子,并放出北海巨妖,摧毁阿戈斯。数年后,珀修斯(Harry Hamlin 饰)成长为英气逼人的美少年,宙斯的对他的爱无以复加,甘愿赐予他华丽出众的武器。在此之后,四处游历的珀修斯遇到美丽的公主安德鲁美达(Judi Bowker 饰)。安德鲁美达原本要嫁给忒提斯(Maggie Smith 饰)的儿子卡里波斯,但卡里波斯触怒宙斯而被变成丑陋的怪物。珀修斯的介入更加激起忒提斯的愤怒。一场卷进奥林匹斯众神的战争就此展开……