回复 : A poor and lonely English professor, Juri(37), decides to become a porn actor using a mask to hide behind, after she watches an unusual porn, featuring an old and fat woman. And she visits Myungsook, a porn producer, despite their separation of 10 years. After various tests and rigorous diets Juri finally stars in a porn film with an attractive young porn star, Byul(20), who sa
回复 :关于法拉利的纪录片。聚焦50年代在刀刃上争分夺秒的F1时代,真实记录了恩佐领导下的法拉利车队内部故事,法拉利车迷冬歇期不可多得的福利。
回复 :Eric、Pat、Jojo、龙、Bill、Ken、岚七个人本拟往离岛路营,但怎料碰上狂风暴雨,一行人来到一间空屋避雨。当夜,怪事连连,但谁也不以为然,而Jojo联同Bill及Ben捉弄龙,令龙无地自容,结果龙羞愤交加下被魔力扯进镜内。翌日,众人商议再停留一天,而龙则避不见人,众人以为龙因昨晚之事而发脾气,怎料Ken失踪,Bill、Jojo先后被杀,Eric等这才发觉龙有异样……