回复 :Mona (Maëlle Poésy) has recently arrived in New York from France in order to mount her newest play — an autobiographical piece that depicts her tumultuous, on-again, off-again affair with a married photographer, Nick (Linas Phillips). Mona casts Chris (Keith Poulson) as Nick and Thérèse (Esther Garrel) to play the fictional version of herself. As rehearsals begin, a love quadrangle emerges: Mona falls for Chris, Chris becomes infatuated with Mona, and Thérèse develops deep feelings for Chris. This tangled roundelay unfolds in five chapters, covering the same events from each of the four character’s perspectives and culminating in a fraught production of the play itself.
回复 :
回复 :总导演彬歌仅调研就用了一年,器皿和摩梭人婚俗文化从寻找到调研直至拍摄整整守候了近三年。整个拍摄制作历时一年半,从高原峡谷,到盆地竹海,从神秘的摩梭风情到藏族的美丽姑娘,从四季变化,到城市繁华,故事设定在改革开放以后,四川美食蓬勃发展,许多人开始以烹饪美食为谋生手段,这些人的命运从此与他手上的美味息息相关。他们传承,探秘,创新,用食物带来了一次次全新的味觉体验,也一次又一次颠覆着味蕾的感受。