回复 :小米(文淇 饰)在位于风景区的一间酒店里打工。一天,正值小米当班,一个男人带着两个看上去还是小学生的女孩子来开房,虽然心中所有顾虑,但小米秉着多一事不如少一事的念头替他们开了两间房。之后,在监控录像里,小米看到男人在半推半就之下进入了两个女孩的房间,心中隐隐觉得不安的小米将这一幕用手机录了下来。两个女孩一个叫孟小文(周美君 饰),一个叫张新新(蒋欣悦 饰),那个男人是他们的“干爹”。东窗事发之后,小文的母亲报警并找到了律师郝洁(史可 饰),希望法律能够还他们一个公道。然而事与愿违,证据的缺乏让嫌疑人迟迟不能定罪,而最最关键的证据,正掌握在小米的手中。
回复 :An earthquake in the Salton Sea unleashes a horde of prehistoric mollusk monsters. Discovering the creatures, a Naval officer and several scientists attempt to stop the monsters, but they escape into the canal system of the California’s Imperial Valley and terrorize the populace.
回复 :Jimmy Sutton, tricky publicist for Consolidated Pictures, fetches teacher Trudi Hovland from snowy Minnesota to sunny Hollywood to test for the film of the best-seller "Girl of the North" - having come 436th in a competition several years earlier she is now next choice as leading lady. She gets the part, but despite his own growing attraction for her Jimmy deviously manufactures a romance between her and Roger Maxwell, a new star who desperately needs to pep-up his image.