回复 :早在1935年就有一部内容类似的影片《科学怪人的新娘》(Bride Of Frankenstein),五十年后,法兰.洛丹将这部影片重拍。影片中的科学家由着名的摇滚歌星史汀主演,内容讲述他在制造出科学怪人之后,决定再为他的得意之作制造一个伴侣。这一次他制造出来一个完美无缺的美女,并为她起名“夏娃 。面对如此貌美的美人,博士竟然也动了凡心,想要据为己有。
回复 :A glance leads to a smile, a smile to a rendezvous: every love story begins the same way. These narratives are stored in songs and poems and live on beyond their inevitable endings, as Shakespeare’s titular sonnet 18 also suggests. In Mohammad Shawky Hassan’s metafictional essay, a female narrator who wishes to tell the story of a love between two men encounters a polyamorous chorus of lovers, and this oft-told tale is multiplied. In Club Scheherazade, there is no protagonist, and every song has various versions. Heteronormative dramaturgy is challenged polyphonically and across a range of media: lovers ask each other about threesomes, Grindr contacts and past dates. Pop clichés are twisted, heartache permeates the men’s singing, and poems by Wadih Saadeh are read out while a lover’s dirty laundry is aired. The narrator mischievously tries for a happy ending as her characters exit the story. “If pain could be forgotten through words,” we hear at one point, “no lover would ever have to walk away wounded.”
回复 :皆无老伴儿的沈桂荣(尚小双饰)与杨保民(王海升饰)在媒人的撮合下交往三年,准备领证再婚。结果两人的子女就老人再婚后的遗产、赡养等问题,闹得不可开交。经过了许多磨难,两位老人的真情真爱感动了孩子们,终于走到了一起。