前洛杉矶高级凶案组探员Jesse Stone,非洲被派到缅因州靠近海岸的小镇作警长,非洲过着相对简单悠闲的生活。在犯罪率低下的天堂镇,Stone努力想靠醉酒、避开刻薄的前妻,和新的年轻女友保持安全距离,来减少生活中的烦杂。但是在当一个死尸冲到海岸和一个高中学生供认自己被不止一个,而是几个袭击者强奸后,Stone和天堂的居民被陷入混乱中。利用在大城市作侦探的经验,Stone必须在平静的小镇变为连环杀手游乐场前找出罪犯。
前洛杉矶高级凶案组探员Jesse Stone,非洲被派到缅因州靠近海岸的小镇作警长,非洲过着相对简单悠闲的生活。在犯罪率低下的天堂镇,Stone努力想靠醉酒、避开刻薄的前妻,和新的年轻女友保持安全距离,来减少生活中的烦杂。但是在当一个死尸冲到海岸和一个高中学生供认自己被不止一个,而是几个袭击者强奸后,Stone和天堂的居民被陷入混乱中。利用在大城市作侦探的经验,Stone必须在平静的小镇变为连环杀手游乐场前找出罪犯。
回复 :林宝儿原为薛家大小姐薛桐,十八年前亲眼目睹家人被残忍杀害。而后她蛰伏成长,将自己包装成林姓南洋富商之女,返回莲鹤镇只为复仇。林宝儿心思缜密、聪明狡捷,擅长把握人性,杀人于无形,却与朱家少爷朱冠文有了交集,两人利益互换,成为协议情侣。在复仇的过程中,林宝儿却心不由主地对朱冠文渐渐有了别样的情感……然而,更大的真相等着她揭开!
回复 :Birds of paradise are one of David Attenborough's lifelong passions. He was the first to film many of their beautiful and often bizarre displays, and over his lifetime he has tracked them all over the jungles of New Guinea. In this very personal film, he uncovers the remarkable story of how these 'birds from paradise' have captivated explorers, naturalists, artists, film-makers and even royalty. He explores the myths surrounding their discovery 500 years ago, the latest extraordinary behaviour captured on camera and reveals the scientific truth behind their beauty: the evolution of their spectacular appearance has in fact been driven by sex.And in a final contemporary twist to this story of obsession and royalty, he travels to the desert of Qatar, to a state-of-the-art facility which houses the largest breeding group of these birds in the world - a sheikh's very own private collection. There he has his closest ever encounter with a greater bird of paradise and its dramatic display, reliving the experience that captivated him in the forests of New Guinea more than 50 years ago.'For me birds of paradise are the most romantic and glamorous birds in the world. And this is a film I have wanted to make for 40 years.' - Sir David Attenborough.
回复 :一群幽默诙谐的赌徒,赌术、千术变幻无穷,ATV爆笑作品!看张家辉、江华如何从街头混混练成赌神秘笈,与赌魔一决高下!不学无术的程天朗与街头霸主何星龙联手成为赌场最佳拍档,二人遇见高贵美丽的李敏,心生歹念,谁知敏略施巧计让他们踢到铁板,所谓道高一尺魔高一丈,朗与龙遇到女老千!众人苦寻的“赌神秘笈”终露曙光,竟然与敏大有关联,而敏却不自知……